We help active people who are currently sidelined with pain, or an injury get back to doing what they love

Physical Therapy is a medical approach focusing on your body and your desired goals. If you are limited in participating in a fulfilling life secondary to an injury, pain or other orthopedic conditions than Iron Health is right for you. If you want to understand what is causing your pain and dysfunction rather than masking pain we can help! We are equipped with a team of specialist dedicated to creating a plan unique to you for long term success.

We take a hands on approach to help decrease your pain, regain mobility, and regain your normal function and life.

Iron Health’s purpose is to raise the standards of health and wellness by always putting people first. We believe in creating an environment where everyone can experience the best quality of care possible. We help you understand the complexities of your body; giving everyone the individual solution-based treatment plans you need. If you’re a New Yorker wondering, “Where is physical therapy near me?” Check out Iron Health locations today and let us help you get started at our nearest clinic. We provide physical therapy services in: BriarcliffArdsleyPeekskill and Stamford, CT. 


Based on your pain’s location, severity, and any injuries, different kinds of physical therapy will be used to treat it. This helps the patient receive the care they need to heal properly. Iron Health provides many different kinds of physical therapy, such as orthopedic, sports, geriatric, pediatric, and more. Each type of physical therapy is used for a particular clientele.


Focuses on repairing injuries that are made to the orthopedic system. This includes bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. Treatment usually focuses on building strength and flexibility; getting clients to get back on their feet and back to everyday life.


A sports physical therapist often cares for athletes. This type of therapy is designed to enhance workout routines without straining sport-related injuries. If an injury does occur for an athlete, these therapists are also able to help them recover.


Geriatric therapy is generally aimed at older adults strengthening their muscles. This helps elderly adults continue to perform everyday tasks and build confidence in their abilities while aging. It treats conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, joint replacements, and balance disorders. Therapists help clients reduce overall pain and restore mobility.


Pediatric therapy helps children improve their range of motion, strength, flexibility, and how to use their bodies to the best of their abilities. These therapists mostly work with children that suffer from muscle issues, sports-related injuries, or a disorder in the nervous system. Treatments often involve games and toys that help children stay active and increase their physical abilities.


Iron Health does more than just treat symptoms. Instead, we work to address the root of the problem with personalized treatment plans. Our personal training staff works closely with our physical therapists and doctors to ensure you receive the best programs you can. The team at Iron Health are experienced professionals that use advanced techniques to help you get back to a life of health, fulfillment, and activity without the fear of pain holding you back.

We believe in honest communication; so you as a client are looped into any decisions being made and the reasoning behind them. Our Iron Health team aspires not only to treat symptoms but to help all of our clients better understand how their body works. This way, you can be educated on the best ways to self-treat and continue improving long after working with us. Because of this level of close communication, our team grows positive relationships with our clients.

You aren’t just a number to us, but an individual deserving of a fulfilling and pain-free lifestyle. Here at Iron Health, we go the extra mile to help you receive the care you need. This has made our treatments bring proven and credible results. Visit our team’s page down at the link below to learn more about Iron Health’s team and credentials.


Lower Back Pain

Knee Pain


Disc Herniations

Post Opt Orthpedic Care

Sports related injuries

Knee Replacements

Hip Replacements

Neck and Shoulder pain

Shoulder impingement


Looking to sign up with an Iron Health physical therapy option near you? The process is designed to be simple, but effective. We always start with an initial consultation; so we can discuss your current lifestyle and your goals for the future. A few basic topics and plans will be addressed to help with preparing a customized treatment plan. Then, the journey of health and healing will begin! With this individualized plan created by our experienced therapists, you can receive the ongoing support that you need to reach your goalposts. Book an appointment with us today and let’s help you get started.

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